Founding Fathers and Philosophers / Quotes

Founding Fathers 
Our Founding Father are partly responsible for the creation of America's current flourishing Constitution.  This Constitution has helped keep America's democracy intact.  These men lead the USA out of a Monarchy and into a thriving Democracy.  The transition was long a difficult, no question, but they were still able to patch together a brilliant government.  Together, these men left an infamous legacy behind them and a remarkable document which has helped lead USA for the past centuries.

Although these men butted heads at the Constitutional Convention, they were still able to make compromises and create one of the best governments in the world.

In Syria, a president serves for seven year terms.  A successful Democracy, such as the United States', has Presidents only serve for four years at a time.  This precedent was set by one of the most important Founding Fathers, George Washington.  Washington was the first president of the US and was elected unanimously.  He could have kept leading the country for longer if he wished to, considering how much the American people loved him, but he chose not to.  He stepped down after two four- year terms.

"Give me liberty or give me death!"- Patrick Henry

America's Founding Fathers include George WashingtonJohn AdamsThomas JeffersonJames MadisonAlexander Hamilton and Benjamin Franklin.   

Political Philosophers
These include Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Blackstone, and Tocqueville.

John Locke's ideas  were immensely influential  for Thomas Jefferson when he wrote the Declaration of Independence.  His  ideas included that government is morally obliged to serve people, namely by protecting life, liberty, and property.  He explained the principle of checks and balances to limit government power.  He also favored a representative

Without government people would find themselves in a "war of all against all." - Thomas Hobbes

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