Target Country


Location: Syria is located in the Middle East in Southwestern Asia. It has a coastline along the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Syria's neighboring countries are Iraq, Israel, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan. The island of Cyprus is located off the coast. Syria's location between the Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Principle causes the nation to have drastic variation in climate. The location has been a factor in making Syria and important global nation because of its proximity to nations like Iraq and Israel which are prominent in world events. In recent years, Syria has become a refuge for many Afghans and Iraqis who are fleeing their war-ridden countries. 

Issues in Syria: 
   Syria considers itself to be a republic consists of an executive, legislative and judicial branch of government. The judicial branch includes a Supreme Court and the State Courts. There are three different court levels: the court of first instance, courts of appeals and lastly the the constitutional court which is the most powerful and highest of the courts. The judicial system strictly follows Islamic law. The executive branch consists of a president, two vice presiders, a prime minister and a cabinet. The legislative branch is governed by the Peoples Council, which they are aware is considered a dictatorship by most outsiders. The Peoples Court is 90% members who support the president. The constitution allows the president to serve for 7 year terms as they are elected by the people. The president has the right to name ministers within the government, declare states of war in an emergency, and is required to be a Muslim. It is said that the elections are a fraud and that voting will be rigged as the poll is only being used to put the wanted president into power.  Bashar al-Assad is the current president in Syria. Before he became president, is father, Hafez al-Assad ruled Syria from 1970-2000. The presidential elections in Syria are useless and the country looks to be more of a monarchy or dictatorship than a republic. The Syrian people need to be saved from the oppression of the president so that suffering can be brought to an end. The government of the country is completely responsible for what is happening in Syria and for rejecting all attempts to solve the crisis. They are continuing to practice killing and destruction, including the use of chemical weapons on their people. They have been filling warheads with chemicals to kill Syrian Rebels. During an attack, half a dozen densely populated Syrian neighborhoods were woken by explosions and a blanket of suffocating gas. In 1963 the Emergency Law was passed by the Syrian government. It is still in effect and suspends most of the protections that are granted to Syrians under the Constitution. The government enacted this "state of emergency" due to the ongoing war with Israel. 
After his father's death, Bashar Al Assad took over syria as president. He promised peace and democracy for the people of Sryria but quickly started taking away their freedom. His government quickly became a dictatorship as he killed and took away rights from his people. Inspired by the Arab spring, the people of Syria began an uprisisng against the Assad regime. Assad's forces opened fire on demonstrators and started the ongoing civil war. After these events, rebel groups began popping up all over Syria openly fighting against the Assad regime with guns and bombs. According to the UN, no country is allowed to intervene with this conflict at this point. If the Assad regime and the many Syrian rebel groups werent enough, ISIS became involved in the conflict fighting to establish an Islamic state. The US has considered supporting Syrian rebels until ties to Al Qaieda were found. the situation has escalated into full out war between these three groups each fighting for their own cause. 

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