Values and Ideals

Values and Ideals

The definition of participation: Political participation derives from the freedom to speak out, assemble and associate; the ability to take part in the conduct of public affairs; and the opportunity to register as a candidate, to campaign, to be elected and to hold office at all levels of government.  Political participation extends beyond parties, however. Individuals can also become involved in certain aspects of the electoral process through independent action—particularly at the local level—and by joining civil society organizations. 

In the 2014 presidential election in Syria, the polls were swarmed with an unbelievable amount of people. Everyone that was interviewed claimed to have voted to Assad. Some voters were enthusiastic about Assad's ruling, others said they felt like they had to vote for him for hear of not being allowed to return home or face retribution from his powerful supporters. Some voters stayed away because they considered the election to be insulting them. This election processed is wrong and does not allow the people of Syria to speak out or assemble against Assad. They are unable to vote for anyone but Assad out of fear of being hurt by his followers. 

The definition of Compromise is: an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.  

Here one can analyze that to reach an agreement, both side of the argument must give. In a challenged area, like Syria, the two disputers must come together and discuss.  With the use of compromise in Syria, some of these problems and challenges could be resolved.  The Founding Fathers fought for months about what to do with the Constitution.  The Virginia Plan was created, and it's ideas favored that of  large states'.  Unfortunately for the Large states, the small states would not allow such a plan to be put in place.  Therefore, these small states created the New Jersey Plan, which favored the small states.  The two plans clashed and neither could be implemented because it simply would not be fair.  With the brilliance and wisdom of the Founding Fathers, the Great Compromise was created, which favored the small and large states, but also took things and included things which did not favor a given side. 

Self Government

The definition of Self Government is: government of a country by its own people.
In Syria, many of the people living there have very little democratic experience. For many decades, they have lived under the harsh rule of President Bashar al-Assad. Peaceful protests held last year (2014) were filled with intense political education and democratic spirit. As security worsened, some of the leaders of communities began to carry guns. There were a small number of leaders who instead planned for the government if the state's authority would collapse. Many of the leaders/council members are men and are said to act under Islamic Law. The Baath Party is constantly trying to be over-turned by different groups, further proving that the government in Syria is not stable. 

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